Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Since Matt & Mary Jo are showing us up...

Here is a little update on our blog since we have completely fallen off...

I can't seem to figure out what time it is in Ireland while reading all of Matt and Mary Jo's updates, so I hit the web. I found a cool little utility that will put a clock on your website or blog. Pretty cool! I sent it to Matt and MJ, so hopefully they will add one for Ireland for people like me.

In the meantime, enjoy a clock of the local time in Franklin (more for fun, not because the math is that hard!), and I also put a link on the side for Matt and Mary Jo's Ireland blog.


greens said...

Ha ha ha. Thanks for the plug-in! We've had fun with the blog!

greens said...

Ha ha ha. Thanks for the plug-in! We've had fun with the blog!